The State Laboratory aims to ensure that its analytical services are of a standard commensurate with principles of fitness for purpose. The State Laboratory has implemented a quality system which ensures that staff work to the highest professional standards, supported by written procedures and monitored against quality criteria. The role of the Quality Assurance Unit is to maintain a quality system compliant with ISO/IEC 17025 and other relevant requirements.
The three main criteria by which the success of our quality system may be assessed are through the findings of internal audits, through third party accreditation by Irish National Accreditation Board (INAB) and through performance in proficiency testing schemes and interlaboratory comparisons.
The Laboratory implementsa an annual programme of internal audits covering all aspects of the Quality System to verify that its operations continue to comply with the requirements of the Quality System, ISO/IEC 17025 and other INAB requirements.
Accreditation is a formal recognition that a laboratory is competent to carry out specific tests, or specific types of tests. The EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard sets out the general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. Accreditation was awarded by the Board of INAB in July 2003 (Lab Reg. No. 146T). The scope of accreditation currently includes over 50 test methods, covering over 500 analytes. Many of the accredited methods have flexible scope.
As part of our quality assurance procedures, the Laboratory participates in a range of proficiency testing schemes and interlaboratory comparison studies. The Laboratory organises an interlaboratory comparison for laboratories engaged in the analysis of animal feedingstuffs (LEAF).
The State Laboratory successfully underwent a full five-year re-assessment visit by INAB in 2018 and transitioned to the updated ISO 17025:2017 standard in 2019. The Laboratory is accredited for over 50 test methods covering more than 500 individual analytes. The current schedule of accreditation in available here.
Health and Safety Authority
Metropolitan Building
James Joyce Street
Dublin 1
  Monday - Friday: 9am-5pm
  Backweston Laboratory Campus
     Co. Kildare
     W23 VW2C
  +353 (0)1 505 7000
  +353 (0)1 505 7070
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